This is the time when we need to know the solution through the root cause of Stress. Several reason we have : Job design / Work load, Interpersonal relationships with colleagues / family members
Glory Be To Jesus Ministries is a non-profit Christian based organization and established in 2019. Ministry works for nurturing and development of the creation of God. GBTJ Ministries work is determined in the grounds of Prayer, Education, Health and Community Development which we believe are the focus areas of community development and nourishment. We believe basic objectives of this organization as stated are sustainable and essential requirements in the benefit of population.
Ministry is engaged in upliftment of the community by praying for the families, relatives, individuals for their achievements and problems as per their requests. We also help them achieve spiritualism, individuality and a heathy life. We provide educational and health counselling and services, specifically to below poverty line population, counseling of low education youth toward carrier development.
This is the only platform which starts with a Prayer and ends with the prosperity of connected population